Questões para além da didatização do gênero:um olhar para o ensino de pontuação em seqüência didática sobre o gênero textual conto humorístico infantil
In the research field of first language acquisition, several studies have discussed issues related to the approaching of genres in the classroom. One issue, however, has not completely been dealt with: the relation between genre and elements of the linguistic structure. Dolz and Schneuwly (2004) strongly claim that a didactic sequence does not have to embrace items of the linguistic structuring, within which punctuation is included. Such a knowledge, they argue, have to be constructed in different moments. In the sequences, only the specific features of the selected genre should be dealt with. This dissertation aims at advancing the reflection upon the possibility of an item of the linguistic structuring, such as punctuation, be part of the sequence that explores a certain genre, since punctuation is considered necessary for the constitution of the genre. In this way, this study presents the result of a proposal for the first language classroom that tried to include punctuation as an item to be studied in a dCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior