Matrizes de cultura e identidade: árabes e americanos após o 11 de setembro
The main focus of this thesis is the representations that have been used in various cultural products in order to construct the categories of Orient and Occident post September 11th , 2001. During the period covered the references to Middle Eastern countries and to the United States increased within industrialized cultural production. Thus, the intent of this thesis is to discuss the identity formation of Arabs and Americans in diverse cultural products, to try to discover what kind of stereotypes were present in the products analyzed. To do this, the time period for analysis was defined as being between the terrorist assault on September 11th, 2001 and the 2nd Gulf War, in 2003. The research sample included diverse cultural products (such as comics books and ‘cordel’, a typical brazilian literature form), and also includes some journalistic products (such as Veja and The New Yorker magazines). The author has even used other sources of examples such as videos, cartoons, books and so forth. This thesis used thNenhuma