Direitos humanos e interculturalidade: um diálogo entre a igualdade e a diferença
Current sociopolitical world scenario challenges the effectiveness of human rights as a common group of reciprocities and responsibilities to be respected by the several people of the world, be it because of the rearrangement of international relations, be it because of the lacking effectiveness of the protecting legislation of the nation states, be it for the sake of the intense conflict between particular cultural positions and the universality of human rights. As they do not guard an exclusive relation with the nationality, culture, religion and particular cultural traditions, the problems that affect humanity as a whole may not be kept back by a human rights culture that deposits its validity only on the positive recognition of every country or on the cultural practices that make out a community´s tradition. In this connection, a human rights culture that wants efficiently face the challenges of modern times must ground on the morality common to all people, irrespective of time and place, in a juridicCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior