Entre o ontem e o amanhã: a escolha de profissionais pelo trabalho docente na educação profissional
In this paper, we intend to comprehend what leads professionals from the most different formation and occupation areas to become interested in the teaching work in the Professional Education. The research was realized with eight professionals, students of a course entitled “Special program of Pedagogical Formation to Professional Education teachers”, chosen after being invited to participate in the study. By means of the formation-research methodology, inspired in the “life stories and formation”, following the perspective named biographical approach in service of projects of Marie-Christine Josso (2004), I realized the interviews/individual narratives and in group and I could observe the meanings attributed by professionals to the accomplishment of the teaching work at Professional Education, focusing their professional trajectories, questioning how they place themselves in front of their careers and how they locate them in their life projects. The content analysis of the research data revealed that the reasCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior