Microgestão e produção de saberes: desafios para a autogestão em iniciativas de trabalho associado. Um estudo da Cooperativa de Produção Cristo Rei Ltda. - COOPEREI
This thesis had the object of study the self management and the knowledge produced by workers in situation of associated work, under the perspective oh the ergology, with the objective to contribute for the assurance of these knowledge fields in the supportive economy. In this qualitative research, it was studied a case at Cristo Rei Cooperative of Production Ltda – COOPEREI, a cooperative self management sourced by the old metal industry Carlos Augusto Meyer SA – Economic Aluminum, from São Leopoldo/RS. The hermeneutic approach allowed to interpret and understand the facts and the dialectic approach, analyze the situation of the work, existent contradictions, its evolution in the context where it is inserted, aiming to transform the reality. It was reached an approximation among the area of knowledge, popular education and ergology, using them as the thread that give us better understanding about the associated work and the produced and non produced knowledge for the self management practice. It was realizeNenhuma