Os impactos que o projeto político-pedagógico produziu na vida da escola no que tange a evasão e a repetência dos estudantes do ensino noturno
The study investigates the impacts that the political and pedagogical project of a Public School for Basic Education, produced in the life of the school concerning dropout and repetition of Night school students. It aims to analyze from the perspective of the teachers and administrators of the school, the effects of the experience into a participant research, which was causing the process of building the political and pedagogical project, between 2001 and 2007, and the rates of dropout and repetition in that level of education in the same period. The research is structured in conceptual ideologies of critical theory, expressed in the thoughts of the following authors: Enguita, Veiga, Paro, Gadotti, Brandão, Arroyo, Giroux, Triviños, McLaren, among others. It is a qualitative case study and the descriptive information collection was processed by means of document analysis, observations and semi-structured interviews. Collaborate with the study, three teachers and the school principal. The analytical process apNenhuma