dc.description.abstract | In the nineties, specially while President Fernando Henrique Cardoso was governing (1995-2002), and Paulo Renato de Souza was in charge of the Ministry of Education, radical educational reforms occurred, which were taken on, passively, by most of the teachers in Rio Grande do Sul. This paper aims at investigating the reasons that explain the teachers’ indifference in accepting those changes, since they were the ones fighting against them. This dissatisfaction can only be understood in the core of educational neo-liberal policies, which tried to connect the schools to legitimate the reforms of the productive process imposed by globalized neo-liberal capitalism. Therefore, the main function of the school was to qualify manpower for a more and more demanding and competitive market and, this way, eliminatory. Educational policies implemented in that period were demanded by International Organizations, especially by World Bank and CEPAL, and were soon accepted by Brazilian government. The Union Movement, with int | en |