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dc.contributor.authorde Andrade Neto J.C.
dc.contributor.authorde Almeida A.C.
dc.contributor.authordos Santos Machado C.
dc.contributor.authorCoelho D.O.
dc.contributor.authorMourad N.
dc.contributor.authorTeixeira N.S.
dc.contributor.authorPereira G.J.
dc.contributor.authorMorandim-Giannetti A.A.
dc.identifier.citationDE ANDRADE NETO, JOSÉ CARLOS; DE ALMEIDA, ANDRESSA CAROLINA; DOS SANTOS MACHADO, CAMILA; COELHO, DANIELLA OLMO; MOURAD, NAJIB; TEIXEIRA, NATÁLIA SIQUEIRA; PEREIRA, GILBERTO JOSÉ; GIANNETTI, Andreia de Araujo Morandim. Attainment of cellulose acetate from coir fiber submitted to pretreatment with IL n-butylammonium acetate. IRANIAN POLYMER JOURNAL, v. 28, n. 5, p. 425-433, 2019.
dc.description.abstract© 2019, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute.Cellulose acetate was obtained from the coir fiber submitted to the treatment with the IL. The coir fiber was initially subjected to treatment with the n-butylammonium acetate IL (CFIL) and subsequent bleaching (CFILB). By analyzing the CFILB, it was possible to observe a delignification of 6.10% in relation to the natural material and an 8.1% increase in the concentration of cellulose. The results from SEM, XRD, and FTIR-ART confirm the modifications in the fiber. After characterizing the treated coir fiber and obtaining the cellulose acetate, analyses by NMR confirmed its regeneration with a degree of substitution at 2.92. FTIR analyses corroborate with the obtained data, verifying the presence of the main adsorption bands. The XRD analysis of cellulose acetate shows peaks at 8.5° regarding the randomness after the acetylation of cellulose, as well as peaks between 18° and 22.5° regarding the packing of carbon atoms due to the Van der Waals forces, which confirm the production of cellulose acetate. The thermal analysis shows that decomposition events occurred in two stages, indicating the thermal decomposition of the remaining cellulose, which did not undergo acetylation, and attribution to its thermal degradation.
dc.relation.ispartofIranian Polymer Journal (English Edition)
dc.rightsAcesso Restrito
dc.titleAttainment of cellulose acetate from coir fiber submitted to pretreatment with IL n-butylammonium acetate

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