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dc.creatorPaz, Eliane Moreira da Costa
dc.description.abstractThe media daily conveys the emergence of many new religious groups often fruit of a crisis of faith and power over other more traditional religious groups, thus balancing and breaking the religious membership of a church or religious group. This research brings an approach on the crisis of faith and religious affiliation existing today in the experience of Catholics and Protestants Teens (evangelicals). The purpose, therefore, of this research is to understand how it happens the crisis of faith and the distancing of teenagers growing up and experiencing a religious practice within the churches and after they depart. Search will be made in two different contexts, in Boa Vista-RR, a Catholic and the other Protestant (Evangelical) for further comparative analysis. The research will be conducted with young people from two churches (Catholic and Protestant). A mixed questionnaire with closed and open questions will be used. Also performing will be observations in the religious context, this is, in the surveyed churches. The methodology is a qualitative study approach, descriptive and quantitative from the field survey data. Content analysis will guide the process of interpretation of the answers to open questions. Closed questions are subjected to simple statistical analysis (percentage). The results of field research is an analysis of data obtained with the construction of a proposal to assist in the solution of religious crises of faith and belonging that practically doesn t exist in this sample. Evangelicals are similar to Catholics: the belief in God (100%), while away of the churches unhappiness 100%), great conception of God (100%), no adolescent is considered better than the adolescent of another Church (100%) , family and friends influence the adolescent s crisis of belonging, new scientific knowledge and social-affective and sexual practices undermine the adolescent faith, doubt about the existence of God (50%), religion helps to give meaning to life and to ethically pursue a profession (100%), participation in youth groups with philanthropy (60%) and all consider themselves spiritual people (100%). Catholics are different from the Evangelicals: in faith and action (C: 80%; P: 65%), weekly church attendance (C: 25%; P: 70%), deep knowledge of the doctrine (C: 10%; P : 50%), Holy Bible reading (C: 10%; P: 70%), reason to abandon the Church (C: Sin: 50%; P: Emotional Conflict: 60%), reasons for conversion to other Church ( C: wrong friendships: 40% and feel hurt: 40%; P: not feel good: 40% and wrong friendships: 30%), among others in minor importance.eng
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambucopor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectobras da igreja junto aos adolescentespor
dc.subjectreligião e sociologiapor
dc.subjectidentidade - religiãopor
dc.subjectchurch works with adolescentseng
dc.subjectreligion and sociologyeng
dc.subjectidentity - religioneng
dc.titleOs adolescentes em crise de fé e de pertença religiosa: comparação entre católicos e evangélicospor

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