dc.description.abstract | Leaderships in Candomblé barnyards as traditional and consequenly centralizing ones, survive actual globalized and technological world. Through its action tactics that are also externally reflected, these leaders, father - of - saint (Babalorixás) and mothers - of - saint (Yalorixás), carry out, perform their leaderships, searching, seeking their barnyards and religions tradition continuity. Inside this context, this work is a comparative study, within a socio antropological perspective, aiming at studying the actual leaderships, exerced, accomplished by two persons (a father of saint and a mother of saint), Candomblé religion barnyards chiefs, localized in Recife city, emphasizing their abilities, clevernesses. This is an analysis regarding to their singularities and their rapports, trying to distinguish and to identify the factor at their disposal and to understand their practices and their instruments, used, employed in the different situations that arise in their houses barnyards daily. The concept worked for this analysis is founded, based in Marcel Mauss theory ( gifts dons , exchanges and obligations donner , recevoir retribuer ). Thus, in this manner, these Afro-brazilian organizations leaders are considered as change efficacions agents and axé distributors, as well as new religions leaderships formers. Through their don gift received from the supernatural world deities as well as through their abilities development, the houses of saint leaders sketch, delineate their leadership histories, becoming themselves recognized well known by their communities. | eng |