The psychological practice is crossed by institutional determinations that can interfere in the way in which it is exercised. In some institutions, the patient's entrance door is formed by an already defined practice, characterized as screening, aimed at clarifying the complaint with a view to a referral, without his participation in the process. Faced with such a framework, we ask: how do patients who seek care in the Polyclinics, linked to public health services, have their demand met? Moreover, it is questioned whether the practice practiced is in tune with the socio-cultural and experiential reality of the suffering brought about as a reason for the consultation. Finally, is it feasible to think of ways of doing psychologically that meet the real needs of the population, despite institutional biases? In order to problematize such questions, the research developed had as general objective to understand the experience of psychologists who practice their practice in public polyclinics. For that, the existential phenomenological perspective in Heidegger's way, and the understanding of psychological practice raised by such orientation, and already developed in other researches by professionals linked to such perspective, were taken as references. It was then sought to understand the practice practiced by the psychologists in the Municipal Health Network of Recife-PE that would serve the users of public polyclinics. Three psychologists with more than fifteen years of experience attending these services were interviewed, regardless of age, gender and theoretical orientation. The research was of a qualitative nature, with an existential phenomenology, and used as a strategy to "gather" the experience of the psychologists, the interview / narrative, which presents itself as a possibility to get in touch with the circumscribed dimension of the experiences of the participating professionals. It was also used the diary of the researcher, who contemplated the statements written by her own hand, willing to share her impressions, observations and feelings experienced. For the analysis and understanding of the experiences reported, the "Analytic of the Sense" was used as proposed by Critelli. The research carried out pointed to the insufficiency of academic training to meet the demand of those seeking psychological care in the context of the Polyclinic; As well as for the lack of clarity regarding the psychological activity performed by psychologists in this institution. This difficulty is associated with some discomfort and discomfort in the face of institutional "norms", the lack of an articulated support network and the absence of an interdisciplinary team. Faced with such a context, the research points to a lack of motivation in the face of instituted power and solitary work, signs that may indicate the need to rethink the psychological practice in the context of public health.