In face of several environmental changes the world has been experiencing, including the urban spaces variation, this dissertation studied the modern technique s place in expropriations in a poor community and their repercussions for mankind. In the first moment, it will be presented a journey faced by Environmental Psychology, strand that analyses the human beings according to their environment, in dialog with other disciplines like Geography, Architecture and Urbanism, and Biology. The second moment is composed by Heidegger s work pieces, which asks about the sense of being, also asks about the sense of living and how this sense is important for this
being as part in the world. This work has been done from an expropriation experience lived by Canal do Ibiporã inhabitants, located in Coque community, Recife downtown. These inhabitants were contributors in this work and they were interviewed in order to comprehend the phenomenon of being displaced from their houses so that a public work sector could be executed in this place. For this purpose, a meeting observation had been done in this group with a view to find five contributors for this research. Thereafter, a narrative interview proposed by Flick had been used, as well as a logbook worked by Aún to add the researcher background in the investigation. As results, were found some meaning cores like the importance of the community history on the interviewers lives, in addition to the importance of a support net in that place. It also loomed the impotence and shame feelings as a core plot sense facing a removal imposed situation, which had also been seen as an irregular space occupation incentive, shaping a kind of vicious circle. The place of affection had been intensively marked in the interviews, as well as the doubts and anguishes that appeared towards a future that becomes even more uncertain, because of the several habit changes. Even with all of these feelings and emotions, it was also possible to determine how these people carelessness story has contributed Coque inhabitants to involve themselves in their own experiences, becoming more politically active and valuing assets.