Nowadays, obesity is characterized as a disease of multiple causes, it´s a serious illness and with high incidence in developed and developing countries. This way, it is possible to consider that obesity can be analyzed by various multifactorial features as genetic, social, and affective. In this sense, this dissertation says some affective aspects in obesity and overweight s problematic in adolescent women, seeking to verify possible failures in affective relation mother and daughter, in the early stages of development of the girl. This study, is based on theoretical conceptions of Winnicott (1983, 2000, 2005, 2006), Levinsky (1995), Barbosa Silva (2005), Bruno (2011) and Cardoso (2008). It was used as methodological procedure the qualitative approach of Oral Life History that privileges the narratives of the subject as knowledge their affective experiences. Thus, they have been recorded interviews with obese adolescents or overweight 13 to 18 years who are part of the screening or are in the nutritional treatment Clinic-School of Nutrition of Biological Sciences and Health College (Cesmac) in Maceió, Alagoas. In this way, the narratives of the interviewed adolescents wove their life story, they are presenting significant data such as the relationship with the mother, the family context, the own act of adolescent and the dealing with conflicts in daily life as important aspects and as possible hypotheses to bring on the onset of obesity and overweight in these adolescent women. Each studied context, reveals singularities mother and daughter relationship and it stands as fundamental to the development and the construction girl s maturing in childhood, and mainly, in youth.