It´s not rare among the studies developed with the users of national health assistance in the Unified System of Health (SUS) to discuss about adequacy and efficiency of clinical performance patterns used lo assist its demand. Theoretical and practical approaches applied lo clinical procedures for
comprehension and problematization of suffering do not seem satisfactory lo cover all the needs revealed by psychological assistance processes This work represents an innitiative fn articule din operational references which guide the psychologist actions with the actual dernand of Public Ambulatorial Services' users. It´s a research in the area of Clinical Psychology which has as its goal lo get acquainted by means of Existencial Phenomenology approach with the user's experiences as related to psychological attention offered by the public health institution. Actual experience in practicing context, as well as readings in the area, seem to indicate that the meaning of this kind of
assistance, when informed in the user/psychologist relationship might favor actions to guide the psychological assistance to people brought by distrital population. Moreover, the meaning as felt by the client seems lo carry the meaning that the therapist himself searches for in his praxis, and that helps him to configurate the clinical actions within public ambulatorial environment. The research was carried out with five patients from the Clinic of Psychology of the Healt Center Agamenon Magalhães, an ambulatorial unity of the Secretary oh Health of the State of Pernambuco. The qualitative method ot research as well as the Phenomenological method were chosen lo approach
the user's experience. The narrative was the means of experience registering and of communication wíth the users related to psychological session. The meaning the users give to their experience related to psychological attendance passes by the rneaning the reseacher herself looks for, that is to say, as an experience which offers changes for comprehending oneself and the other. The meaning
of psycological help also shows a comprehension that it is a way to deal with abandonment as a result of experienced difficulties in citizenship