This study has aimed at characterizing from 0 to 4 years old children neuropsychomotor development profile institutionalized from Recife city and at identifying these children family constitution, the withdrawal time from their family and the possible damages on account of their family absence upon their neuropsychomotor development. Twentytwo (22) children that lived in two (2) Shelter Unities (A and B), localized in Recife,
Pernambuco, have participated in this research. We have used data gathering instrument, Denver´s Test II, applied individually, in each of the children, in this research participant ones and has evaluated the children evelopment, in four different areas (personal social, fine motor adaptive, language and gross motor), according to
their age. Further on, we have performed a documentary analysis concerning the children´s personal data record, aiming at gathering together the information maximum,
regarding to the child family history. The results have shown up that, in a general way, the both unities children have presented a bigger endamagement in language area and a
smaller one in gross motor area. Regarding to their family history, it has been possible identifying that the greater number of these children lived in the Shelter Unit, since
about one year, on average, were children came from families with chemical dependency history and that have a monoparental configuration. In the children of our
Study it was possible to detect how much the abandonmet and neglect of the family were present in the stories of their lives. As conclusion, we can say that although the
situation of risk and abandonment, these children do not present sever endamagement in their neuropsychomotor development. As to the Institutions, while not being the object of our Study, we have noticed that they fulfill satisfactorily the role of caregiver, when
the Family represents a probable risk for the full development of the child