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dc.creatorDuarte, Lélis Terezinha Marino
dc.identifier.citationDUARTE, Lélis Terezinha Marino. Distraídas, dispersas, hiperativas, apáticas: que escuta fazer desses sujeitos?. 2009. 122 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, Recife, 2009.por
dc.description.abstractThis piece of theoretical research aims to present a conceptualization of the function of the Attention in the human psyche, which will allow us to evaluate the increasing number of diagnoses of attention deficit and hiperactivity nowadays. We´ll analyse the power of speech which characterizes TDA/TDHA as a model of the way the minds works, suggesting a reading which concieves the subject from psychoanalytical viewpoint. Freud, in his work, points the antecipatory function of Attention to thought as a way of avoiding the motor discharge which inhibits action. Attention assumes a reserve of energy which if not discharged, is expended in the process of thought. Thus, Attention is seen from its origin in non-chronological time, which integrates the grouwth of the human being from its organism, considering the frontiers between material and psychogical reality, between the subject, and the culture, and the normal to the pathological. Freudian Aufhebung moviment allow us to understahow the Attention of an individual can be related to endogenous stimuli, can turn back to internal necessities and to external requests. There is a breack and a continuity between these two spaces. The language we highlight here are the frist words , brought to the baby by the person attentive to his manifestations, conceived as the one who introduces the dimensions in which the human being is inserted and who allows him to speak to anyone else. The conception on another the same as you and as a place and Another that transmites words give srise to the possibility of the growth of the dimensions of time and space in which the individual can make himself understood. The entry of time, which defines the human trajectory is decisivein the development of the psyche. This development is not linear, being disharmonious by nature.There are advances and retreats which do not respect cronology, but internal processes. So that which is characterised as normal or pathological, will be considered bearing this in mind. We will put in relief the hypotesis who mother does to her child ans its implications in the organization of individual ways to pay attention to the world and situate oneself in it. It is from this starting point that an individual must be heard. We assert that the psycoanalytical position, from our perspective, rather that assume the child demand , assumes the hypothesis that the child is capable of making a demand in his own nameeng
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambucopor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectpsicologia clínicapor
dc.subjectdistúrbio da falta de atenção com hiperatividadepor
dc.subjectclinical psychologyeng
dc.subjectthe lack of attention disorder with hyperactivityeng
dc.titleDistraídas, dispersas, hiperativas, apáticas: que escuta fazer desses sujeitos?por

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