The objective of this present study is to give a little contribution to the answer that the psychoanalytic clinic is asked to give to the matter of drug addiction and its treatment. It is indeed a theoretical research, whose two main parts are linked to the matters of drug dependence and psychoanalytic transference. The theoretical reflections were clarified with the testimonies of some psychoanalysts that deaI. with drug dependants. On the part we tried to understand, through some fundamental references of the Freudian Meta psychology, the main characteristics of the psychic and pulsing life of the drug addict. On the second part, we dedicated to the problem of the psychoanalytical treatment of those patients, we tried to raise the problem of some specific aspects that present themselves as obstacles or possibilities for the constitution of a transferential field and the handling necessary for lhe creation of a analytic field, where the drug addict may be guarded and heard so as to be given an analytic treatment. The second part was algo divided into two chapters, the first one deals with the trajectory that Freud went through for a theoretical elaboration of the psychoanalytical concept of the transference thus showing its central importance in the analysis. The second one deals with the clinical news that drug addiction represents and the various problems that it raises; the arrival of the drug dependent to the analyst, his demands -that are not generally related to analysis -and the attitude in which these patients have the tendency of placing the analyst -We still make a reference to the complexity of the multiple transferences inherent to the institutional treatment an to the new challenge that they represent to the psychoanalytical clinic