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Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Documentos - UCU
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Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Documentos - UCU
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Documentos - UCU: Recent submissions
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Settlement of Judgment
Abal Oliú, Alejandro
Deveres Fundamentais de Solidariedade
Mendonça, Suzana
Critical analysis of the voluntary procedure introduced in the chilean consumer protection law as an alternative mechanism of resolution collective disputes
Aguirrezabal Grünstein, Maite Arantzazu
Pets in buildings of horizontal property and their prohibition by coownership regulation
Fascioli Mochetti, Agustín
Reseña: ROGEL VIDE, Carlos, Personas, animales y derechos, México D.F.-Madrid, Editorial Ubijus-Reus, 2018, ISBN 978-84-290-2023-6
Hanna de Rosa, Marta
The new role of the victim in the accusatory penal system in Mexico
Santacruz Fernández, Roberto; Santacruz Morales, David
Some conceptions about distributive justice and its problems in relation to the enjoyment of the right to education
Henríquez Ramírez, Alfonso
Sources and projection of Incompetence
Laje, Alejandro; Lanzavecchia, Gabriel
Una identidad latinoamericana: El derecho del niño a su vida privada y familiar en la jurisprudencia de la corte interamericana de derechos humanos
Basset, Úrsula Cristina
Purpose of usus fructus: The (real) right of usufruct of credit
Villalba, Jorge Fabián
La educación religiosa de los niños y su propia libertad: Juzgado de Familia Nº 3 - La Plata (Provincia de Buenos Aires), “T. G. D. C/ I. R. E. S/ Alimentos”, Causa N° 119061
Navarro Floria, Juan Gregorio
La vulnerabilidad de los integrantes del núcleo familiar en los casos de violencia doméstica: Comentario jurisprudencial de los autos caratulados “CARDOZO, RAMONA c/ ROSANO, JOSÉ. Violencia Doméstica. Ley 17.514”, IUE 436-283/2017
Briz, María José; Varela, María Elena; Da Rosa, Stephanie
Jurisprudencia sobre responsabilidad del Estado: Avances de investigación
Risso Ferrand, Martín; Garat, María Paula; Rainaldi, Stefanía; Rodíguez Galusso, Alicia; Techera, Lucía
The principles in international law: a source of law or a source of questions?
Benavidez Casal, María Angélica; Núñez, José Ignacio
The principles in the environmental law
Gorosito, Ricardo
Penal reform in Mexico.: Greater security or greater violence?
Hernández de Gante, Alicia
Democracy, political intolerance and human rights: a reflective view from contemporary Brazilian reality
Bittar, Eduardo
Practical inconsistencies arising from clause (C), article 7 of the Protocol of Buenos Aires on international jurisdiction in contractual matters
Almeida Idiarte, Rodrigo
Mediation. An answer to the new paradigm of Law?
Rodrigues, Catarina
Subjective Element of Crime: A Skeptic Reading from Kant
Pérez Lasserre, Diego
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