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Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Documentos - UCU
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Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Documentos - UCU
Recent submissions
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Documentos - UCU: Recent submissions
Itens para a visualização no momento 341-360 of 2520
Policing in Uruguay: History, Modernization and Features
Sanjurjo, Diego; Trajtenberg, Nicolás
Reseña: Libertad de información y derechos fundamentales: un equilibrio inestable (2021) de María Teresa Pérez Giménez
Lopez Jimenez, David
Cryptocurrencies and blockchain in adolescence
Barroilhet, Agustín
The law on women's civil rights: effective equality
Ramos Cabanellas, Beatriz
The precautionary principle in the jurisprudence of the Colombian Constitutional Court and the public policy of eradication of illicit crops
Cristancho Diaz, José Reynel
The Revista de Derecho and it's behind edition
Garat, María Paula
Extraterritorial application of copyright regulations in Ecuador due to cloud computing services: terms of service of Twitter and YouTube
Novoa, Eugenia
The The evidentiary difficulties (or deficiencies?), in the acts of sexual violence, as a differentiating criterion in the evaluation of the evidence in the criminal doctrine of the Supreme Court of Justice of Bolivia. Supreme Order 179/2020 of February 17
Roca Saucedo, Diego Valdir
The Duties of the Individual: a Contribution for Reflection within the Framework of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man
Barnech Cuervo, María Cecilia
The women's civil rights recognized by the 1946 law and its contrast with the current Constitution at that time in Uruguay
Correa Aguirre, Agustina
The Security Interest as another way to access credit: should we regulate it in Uruguay?
Paysse, Inés
Private mediation and alternative mechanisms for conflict resolution in Mexico, state of the matter
Valdez Adaya, Claudia; Cárdenas-Cabello, Fernando
Hiring of municipal workers in Chachapoyas (Amazonas, Peru) and their labor rights, 2017-2018
Rojas-Rojas, Yoselith S.; Cayllahua Dioses, Pilar Mercedes
Freedom of expression and democracy in Granier et al. vs. Venezuela
Moglia Mariñas, Bruno
iSupport as a model tool to provide access to justice in the field of private international law
Theoduloz, Santiago; Villegas, Candela
Review: Mediación familiar y alienación parental (2020) by María José Briz Clariget
Valdebenito, Caterine
The study of law from a complex and transdisciplinary approach: Research experiences in youth policies in Argentina
Becher, Yussef
Human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation: A view from the Uruguayan and international legal system
Fascioli Caorsi, Federico
Sovereign immunity: from jurisdiction and execution application to States and their entities
Durán, Fabrizio
The legal regime of hearings: Challenges in the Cuban civil and family process
Sardá Lloga, Eduardo Antonio
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