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Universidad Católica del Uruguay
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Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Recent submissions
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Universidad Católica del Uruguay: Recent submissions
Itens para a visualização no momento 361-380 of 2520
Is it possible for wages to be paid with bitcoins in Uruguay?
Diana, Juan; Gauthier, Gustavo
Protection orders as a means to combat intimate partner violence against women: principles, legal framework and issuance in Uruguay
Gambetta, Victoria; Russo, Cecilia; Fonseca, Agustina
Why is human trafficking an invisible crime in Uruguay?
Piperno, Laura
The unconventionality and unconstitutionality of the norms regarding adolescents in conflict with the criminal law contained in Law No. 19.889, sanctioned by the procedure of declaration of urgent consideration
Rodríguez Almada, Pablo
Judicial decision’s context and its special importance when deciding in equity or ex aequo et bono
Rivadavia, Valentina
Criminal Law and Public Health. The Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Uruguay
Pisciottano, Juan Pablo
Eduardo J. Couture and Literature. The Parable of the Four Princes: tolerance and other values:
Barnech Cuervo, María Cecilia
The Legal Protection of the Human Right to a Healthy Environment in Uruguay
Brun Pereira, Martina
Fifteen years of the peer-reviewed Revista de Derecho (2006 - 2021)
Risso Ferrand, Martín
Progress and setbacks in gender equity in Jalisco. The reform to article 61 of the Civil Code regarding the choice of the order of the surname of persons
Ramírez Bañuelos, Jesús Francisco
Moral Awareness, Logical Thinking and Continuity in the Effort: Three Lessons by Professor Quintín Alfonsín in his “Second Life”
Garcé García y Santos, Álvaro
Review. María Pérez-Ugena, El uso on-line de la mediación, servicio de solución de conflictos: un instrumento para las situaciones de crisis. Madrid, España: Dykinson, 2020. ISBN 9788413247236
López Jiménez, David
The innovative role of the mediator in bankruptcy procedures. Cooperative management of insolvency
Briz Clariget, María José; Martínez Vigil Cibils, Daniel; Rychtenberg Milans, Florencia
Principle of budget sustainability vs. principle of social security guarantee
Balestero Casanova, Magdalena
Writ of mandamus in Uruguay. Follow-up research
Risso Ferrand, Martín; Garat, María Paula; Rainaldi, Stefanía; Guerra, Martín; Kazarez, Melanie; Pintos, Emanuel
The Florence Access-To-Justice Project: Descriptive Aspects
Makowiecky Salles, Bruno; Márcio Cruz, Paulo
The Right to Personal Data Protection for the Provision of Cloud Computing Services. : An Ecuadorian Perspective
Novoa, Eugenia
Beyond Effect and Intention: Proportionality in Investment Arbitration
López Escarcena, Sebastián
Reseña: La empresa en el siglo XXI. Un estudio multidisciplinar de carácter jurídico empresarial. Eduardo Carlos Dittmar (2019)
Vargas Portillo , Patricia
European Contribution to the Fundamental Right to Good Administration
Mendonça, Suzana Maria Fernandes
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