Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Regulación del sistema educativo y desigualdades de aprendizaje en el Uruguay
(Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Cepal), 2015)
En este artículo se muestra cómo determinados aspectos del sistema uruguayo de educación secundaria pública inciden en rendimientos desiguales de los alumnos. Al utilizar la edición 2006 del Programa Internacional de ...
Trade liberalization, deindustrialization, and inequality: evidence from Middle-Income Latin American Countries
(Latin American Studies Association, 2013)
This article explores the relationship among trade liberalization, deindustrialization, and income inequality in the more industrially advanced Latin American countries. It argues that, among the most important liberal ...
The technocratic barrier to wage policy: theoretical insights from the Chilean Concertación
During the Latin American left turn, most governments rapidly understood the importance of committing to macroeconomic equilibriums, successfully managing to combine this goal with a wide array of social policies. Wage ...
El futuro del capitalismo en Uruguay: ¿un modelo para armar?
(Debate, 2011)
Uruguay se encuentra en una encrucijada en términos de desarrollo. Para
muchos, como se escucha en el debate nacional, Uruguay está a las puertas del desarrollo. Sin embargo, este no debe pensarse como un estadio pasivo ...
Latin America
(Oxford University Press, 2010)
This chapter is organized into three sections. The first discusses the origins and development of Latin American welfare states before moving on to outline more recent reforms of social policy regimes in the area. A second ...
Foreign direct investment and inequality in developing countries: does sector matter?
Scholars have studied the relationship between inward foreign direct investment (FDI) and within-country income inequality in cross-national contexts, but have not empirically investigated how FDI in different sectors might ...
Varieties of skills profiles in Latin America: a reassess
Research on the politics of skills formation in Latin America is severely underdeveloped. This article offers a novel characterisation of the supply of skills in the region or ‘skills supply profiles’, taking inspiration ...
State capacity and social investment: explaining variation in skills creation reforms in Latin America
Latin America has been historically characterized by a focus on compensatory social policies, state capacity problems and unstable political coalitions impairing political and policy sustainability. In the 1980s-90s ...
Primary education: changing mainstay of Uruguay
(Springer, 2007)
Traditionally one of the countries with highest levels of social and human development in Latin America, Uruguay is a small and eminently urban country, with an extended welfare state and universal education. From the ...
Big business and bureaucratic-authoritarianism in Uruguay: a network based story of policy permeation for self-preservation
(Springer International Publishing, 2020)
Between 1973 and 1985, Uruguay was ruled by a Bureaucratic-Authoritarian regime. Following regional trends, this period mostly coincided with the stagnation of the industrialization model oriented toward the domestic market. ...