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dc.contributor.advisorVieira, Luciane Klein
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Mariela Mendes da
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this master's degree thesis is to analyze the implications of the reorganization of the European society for the confrontation of climatic changes and its implications for the process of commercial integration with MERCOSUR. Additionally, it is assessed the relevance of a Green Pact in MERCOSUR in the context of climatic changes and bi-regional integration with developed regions. In view of the aspirations of commercial integration between MERCOSUR and the European Union and the role of the environmental agenda in this process, the following research problem was formulated: What is the relevance of the coordination of regional environmental policies in MERCOSUR, which contemplate local specificities and the global expectations of facing climatic changes in the region, for the promotion of intra-regional integration and with European Union? The hypothesis of the study indicates that the progress in the construction and implementation of a regional environmental agenda in MERCOSUR, conceived in the light of local environmental challenges, the Sustainable Development Goals, the goals of the Paris Agreement and the guidelines and goals of the European Ecological Pact, in what could be consolidated as a MERCOSUR Green Pact, it would contribute to the consolidation of the regional integration process and to the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement with the European Union. Therefore, the coordination of environmental policies in MERCOSUR is fundamental not only for the progress of integration in the region and to make the aforementioned Agreement viable, but also to reduce climatic changes and their impacts on the Planet. To test the hypothesis of the study qualitative methodology was used, with a deductive, normative-descriptive and comparative approach. The research technique was bibliographic. The results found partially confirm this hypothesis. It was demonstrated that the implementation of an environmental agenda coordinated and effectively committed to confronting climate change in MERCOSUR would favor the materialization of the ongoing integration process, helping the ratification and validity of the EU-MERCOSUR agreement. In addition, it is clear that the progress of the negotiations of the Agreement occurred simultaneously with a series of demonstrations contrary to its effectiveness, by European States, due to the environmental agenda and mitigation of climatic changes in MERCOSUR countries being charged with contradictions. This is especially relevant with regard to the issue of deforestation and change in land use and the review of Brazil's goals in the Paris Agreement. Therefore, the consolidation of a MERCOSUR Green Pact, contemplating the binding commitment with the fulfillment of the goals established in the Paris Agreement; in addition to the standardization of the NDC of the Member States of MERCOSUR, in order to comply with what was established by virtue of that Agreement; as well as a common system for monitoring deforestation and emissions in agriculture in the respective territory, prioritizing economic growth with zero net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050, in addition to meeting climate demands, would favor the implementation of the biregional integration process.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectUnión Europeaes
dc.titlePor um Pacto Verde Mercosulino: uma proposta a partir da experiência europeiapt_BR

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