Projeto educativo comum e gestão colaborativa no contexto da Rede Jesuíta de Educação no Brasil
The aim of the current study is to describe the process to launch the Jesuit Education Network (RJE - Rede Jesuíta de Educação), as well as the construction and implementation of its Common Educational Project (PEC - Projeto Educativo Comum) by taking the period from 2014 (RJE launching) to 2020 (completion of PEC’s 1st implementation cycle) as timeframe. The research process was based on three data sources, namely: documental analysis, questionnaire application and experience systematization. The Education emergence and development process in the Society of Jesus, as well as the Basic Education renovation movement that took place from the 1960s onwards, were introduced, in broad historical strokes, to describe the RJE launching process. Much of the bibliography was structured in Jesuit literature, which comprises almost 500 years of textual production and wide coverage spectrum, with emphasis on the following works: “Ratio Studiorum” (1599), which is a great Jesuit legacy; “Características da Educação da Companhia de Jesus” [Society of Jesus’ Educational Features] (1986); “Pedagogia Inaciana: uma proposta prática” [Ignatian Pedagogy: a practical proposal practice] (1993) and “Colégios Jesuítas: uma tradição viva no século XXI” [Jesuit Schools: a living tradition in the 21st century] (2019). Werle (2001), Corsetti (2006), Sander (2005), Cellard (2008), Castells (2006) and Lowney (2015) were adopted as theoretical reference. With respect to the methodology, definitions enabling the research development process were based on Goldenberg (2004) and Bardin (2016), with emphasis on questionnaire application and “experience systematization” - Jara (2006) was herein used as significant theoretical methodological reference. Statements and perceptions about PEC development and implementation processes were collected based on the application of an open questionnaire to Jesuit Education Network educators who actively and effectively participated in its creation and structuring processes. A broad reading map was developed by intertwining the collected information; it was done to enable the analysis, narrative and identification of successes and mistakes in this process, with emphasis on speeches and silences. In conclusion, the participation of the largest number of educators possible in the investigated process was relevant to help founding the Jesuit Education Network, so the community could, subsequently, commit to the mission, vision, principles, institutional values and practices recommended by it. Furthermore, it has evidenced the importance of having both local and network managers committed to the process and open to perform collaborative work, as well as the presence of a central and unifying coordination – the RJE Office – to articulate, support and monitor processes taking place both in the network and in the units.BAESA - Energética Barra Grande S.A