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dc.contributor.advisorFreitas Júnior, José Carlos da Silva
dc.contributor.authorPacheco, Katryne Vieira
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to analyze, through a case study, how the results of a Leadership Development Program contributed to improving the management of a public municipal University. In this way, the aforementioned context was analyzed, through interviews with 03 (three) groups of employees of the Higher Education Institution under study, namely: Organizers of the Leadership Program; Administrative Department Coordinators; Directors of Undergraduate Courses. Initially, theoretical research was carried out on concepts, theories, skills and abilities related to the topic of leadership. We sought to obtain answers to specific objectives, analyzing perceptions regarding the challenges faced in the leadership process, describing the stages of the leader development process and reporting the impacts obtained in relation to the Program under study. This study was justified by the need to explain the development of a leadership project for educational environments, with the verification of beneficial results of the latter for everyday relationships and for the university environment. The study also encourages the improvement of the skills of employees who work in organizations. The semi-structured interviews were carried out in person and addressed professional and reflective questions for the interviews. This is exploratory, descriptive research and, regarding the approach to the problem, it is qualitative in nature. For data analysis, the data collection technique was used. It is noted that the interviewees have a clear perception that the Leader Development Program enabled the development of numerous skills, as well as providing a support tool that modifies work scenarios. Regarding final considerations, the results found suggest that the research highlights the complex challenges faced by municipal universities in their leadership mission. The diversity of the institution and leaders requires an adaptive and collaborative approach. The Program has demonstrated the University's commitment to promoting leadership sensitive to local needs, fostering interdepartmental collaborations and a continuous learning environment. These facts show that leadership can be acquired, improved, developed, generating values and levels of high relevance, when applied to the reality of organizations.en
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidade de Rio Verdept_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleDesenvolvimento de liderança para gestores de uma universidade: um estudo de casopt_BR

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