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dc.contributor.advisorKern, Andrea Parisi
dc.contributor.authorPostay, Renata
dc.description.abstractThe civil construction sector is experiencing pressure to increase levels of sustainability throughout its life cycle and adopt digitization and innovative technologies in its processes. The set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and respective targets is a reference for the international sustainability agenda. Building Information Modeling (BIM) represents an essential path to innovation and digitalization of construction. However, the implementation of both still challenges the sector. This work aims to propose a system of environmental sustainability requirements for public buildings, focusing on meeting the SDGs and BIM use. To this end, it uses existing regulations and programs, such as the BIM Execution Plan, proposed by the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ADBI), Casa Azul Seal (proposed by Caixa Econômica Federal), and LEED (North American seal). The study was carried out according to the phases of (1) contextualization; (2) analysis of environmental sustainability requirements in the building's life cycle; (3) proposed system (4) analysis of the proposed system. The proposed system is called SRS-EdiP and is structured into 9 categories, aligned with the 9 SDGs related to construction and public buildings. In all, 62 guiding requirements are proposed for different professionals throughout the life cycle of the building, involving different BIM uses. The analysis of the SRS-EdiP indicates that 60% of the requirements are related to the Project phase, covering the nine Categories/SDGs, with the second stage with more SDGs involved being the Preliminary Study. Applying the SRS-EdiP involves fifteen categories of professionals, and ten potential BIM uses linked to the requirements. Including the SRS-EdiP in the BIM ADBI Plan increases the environmental sustainability bias of the Plan, initially little discussed, demonstrating that it can be a potential articulator between environmental sustainability, BIM, and public works based on a reorganization of existing documents.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectRequisitos de sustentabilidadept_BR
dc.titleSistema de requisitos de sustentabilidade ambiental para edifícios públicos – SRS-EdiP: proposta para integrar o uso de BIM com foco no atendimento aos ODSpt_BR

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