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dc.contributor.advisorCarvalho, Delton Winter de
dc.contributor.authorCorrea, Micaele de Vasconcelos
dc.description.abstractThe relationship between man and nature has changed in recent years the environment and ecological balance. Anthropocentric actions are one of the major causes of interference in the climate system and loss of ecosystems. The risk of extinction of species, biodiversity and services present in ecosystems made the international community act in favor of the environment. In Brazil, environmental protection is promoted by Article 225 of the Constitution and radiates its commandments to infra-legal norms. Law 14.119/21, in this sense, institutes the National Payment Policy for Environmental Services (PNPSA), internalizing concepts, guidelines, objectives and principles for the preservation and recovery of the ecological balance into the legal system. It is proposed by this regulation, of a promotional nature and economic mechanism, to remunerate initiatives, individual or collective, that preserve or recover the ecosystem services present in the environment. It is guided by the principle of the protector-receiver and the user-payer, thus consolidating the payment for environmental services internally. That said, environmental services are also part of Disaster Law, specifically in risk management as a structural measure of green infrastructure. In this part, it is placed as a pre-disaster instrument, as a natural blockade, and post-disaster, as a means of resilience. With this, the research problem arises: to what extent does the consolidation of payment for environmental services contribute to the articulation of risk management in the face of extreme events? As a general objective, there is a deep theoretical analysis of environmental and ecosystem services and payment for environmental services. As specific objectives: a) the internalization of the PNPSA as an economic and promotional instrument for sustainable development; b) the valuation of assets present in ecosystems; c) the articulation of this mechanism with the science of disasters. Deductive, analytical-synthetic and inductive research methods are used, with apparatus in the techniques of bibliographic research in documents, doctrines, laws, etc. It is concluded that it is possible to combine PNPSA with disaster management to work, in particular, in a post-disaster phase.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectServiços ambientaispt_BR
dc.subjectEnvironmental servicesen
dc.titleA consolidação do pagamento por serviços ambientais no Brasil para reparação em contexto de desastrespt_BR

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