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dc.contributor.advisorCarnin, Anderson
dc.contributor.authorMatias, Joseane
dc.description.abstractThis thesis deals with language, interaction and professional development, assuming the relationship between the collective and the individual as a space for emergence and potentialization of reflection on teaching action and teacher training. Its main objective is to analyze language traits/clues of teaching professional development in verbalizations of a Portuguese language teacher, based on her participation in a professional development community (GUIMARÃES; CARNIN, 2020). To this end, an action research was developed that accompanied this Portuguese language teacher throughout a four-year training course (2018-2022), whose main motto was, from the development of Didactic Projects of Genre (GUIMARÃES; KERSCH , 2012), contribute to the renewal of Portuguese language teaching and the reconfiguration of teaching practices in the context of a municipal teaching network in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre (RS). Throughout the training course, different interaction-training movements were proposed (group meetings, mentoring and individual interviews), which allowed for the alternation of roles in training and in the modes of participation (LAVE; WENGER, 1998; WENGER, 2001) of teacher participating in the research. These moments fostered reflection on concepts related to working with text genres in the classroom, the reconfiguration of representations about teaching work “on the school floor” and the legitimation of the collective as a community for teaching professional development. The data that make up the research corpus, analyzed mainly in the light of Sociodiscursive Interactionism (BRONCKART, 1999, 2006, 2011, 2013), focused on the types of discourse and the mechanisms of enunciative accountability, from which it was possible to observe that the alternation of roles experienced by the teacher participating in the research raised the interpretative debate, the awareness and the (potential) reconfiguration of the teaching action, important movements for the individual development and, also, for the consolidation of a community of professional teaching development. In the data analyzed, it was possible to verify that the didactic device “Genre Didactic Project” worked as a formative device, catalyzing a series of movements of reconfiguration of the teaching action that emerged in the tension between the individual and collective representations that were captured from the language action of the teacher. teacher participating in the research. Likewise, we highlight mentoring as a space for interlocution and joint construction, which fostered reflection-in-action (SCHÖN, 1992) and increased the movement towards redefining the work of a teacher who teaches Portuguese in Basic Education. In addition, it was concluded that the collective is a powerful element for the professional development of teachers, considering that it is in social interaction that we constitute ourselves as individuals and that we can also (re)signify the professional dimension of our actions.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectFormação continuada de professorespt_BR
dc.subjectContinuing teacher trainingen
dc.titleDo coletivo e seus sentidos no desenvolvimento profissional docente: pistas linguageiras em uma proposta de formação continuada em comunidadept_BR

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