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dc.contributor.advisorDe Nardi, Marcelo
dc.contributor.authorMalta, Kárita Barboza Gouveia
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation intends to analyze whether the method of mediation as a conflict resolution method can benefit the University of Rio Verde in the resolution of its disputes, referring to the default of academic fees. The University of Rio Verde is a municipal public foundation, which is maintained substantially through the payment of fees required from students. Despite this, the University has been harmed due to the high rate of default of its academics, which, as a consequence, leads to the filing of several enforcement actions before the judicial system, which are processed for many years without the necessary receipt of credit. As an extrajudicial way of resolving conflicts, the institute of mediation has been strengthened in the legal world as an alternative method that helps the parties to resolve their disputes through self-composition, prioritizing reestablishing the relationship of the parties, in a swift, harmonious and effective way. Many public and private institutions are using this method to resolve their disputes through the use and institution of mediation chambers. In view of this, the work shows that the mediation institute can help the University of Rio Verde to solve its financial conflicts arising from the default of monthly fees, presenting at the end a project to create the model Chamber of Mediation of the University of Rio Verde, which may provide opportunities for the institution and its academics to resolve their disputes without the need to file lawsuits. Divided into three parts, the first chapter analyzes the mediation method and its characteristics, in order to demonstrate that the method is effective in resolving disputes. In the second chapter, we seek to emphasize that the mediation institute is even used at an international level to resolve world conflicts, and is even present in the UN's 2030 Agenda, in Sustainable Development Goal No. 16. In the last chapter, it is concluded that, the mediation procedure through the creation of a Mediation Chamber within the University, can positively benefit both the institution in receiving the debts of defaulting academics, and the entire community that is interested in using the services offered by the Chamber, generating greater publicity and notoriety to this educational institution.en
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidade de Rio Verdept_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleO instituto da mediação na resolução dos conflitos da Universidade de Rio Verde decorrentes do inadimplemento das mensalidades dos acadêmicospt_BR

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