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dc.contributor.advisorFreire, Karine de Mello
dc.contributor.authorBarbosa, Carolina Tomaz
dc.description.abstractAbstract: In the face of the challenges of the 21st century, marked by a multitude of interconnected crises, it becomes evident that the world is immersed in a degenerative culture and system, one that has been destructive to life and has revealed profound processes of social injustice and high levels of inequality. Recognizing that design has been complicit in this process, driven by reductionist, patriarchal, and capitalist thinking, it is believed that design can also serve as a catalyst for change towards a new regenerative culture. The aim of this dissertation is to stimulate reflection on Regenerative Strategic Design, emphasizing the concepts of regeneration and regenerative design with the purpose of placing well-being and care for life at the center of decision-making processes, guided by an ecosystemic approach in which nature acts as a mentor. In this context, concepts such as Buen Vivir, Ecofeminism, and spirituality as dimensions of systemic thinking are explored. Additionally, the proposal of co-design sentipensante is highlighted to underscore the importance of emotions, as well as the creation of bonds and connections in a design journey aimed at fostering a regenerative culture. To underpin this research, a qualitative, exploratory, and experiential methodology was adopted, accompanied by an extensive review of relevant literature. It is important to note that the trajectory of this research encompassed various paths, beginning prior to the author's enrollment in the master's program through her active participation in community and social projects. Furthermore, the author engaged in an immersive research experience related to regenerative design, which supported the investigation, guiding the propose of Regenerative Strategic Design. To guide this regenerative journey, eight movements emerged from the research, resulting in 12 regenerative principles which was also derived from the author's experiences. These movements were then tested by a group of design students. However, it is recognized that, due to the complex nature of the subject matter, which seeks social and cultural transformation, the proposed methodology needs to be applied in broader contexts. Nevertheless, it is believed that the reflections addressed in this work contribute to the advancement of the design field, offering a regenerative perspective that goes beyond mere sustainability.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectBem viverpt_BR
dc.subjectBuen viviren
dc.titleDa sustentabilidade à regeneração: uma proposta para o design estratégicopt_BR

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