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dc.contributor.advisorUberti, Vinicius André
dc.contributor.authorAlves, Jonatan Kiefer
dc.description.abstractThe hospital environment is a critical area in several areas, but mainly in relation to the supply and use of electric energy, due to its specificities and the importance of the product, as it deals with the health and life of human beings. Still, in current times, Health Care Establishments (EAS) need, at any time, to undergo changes in their layouts to meet extraordinary demands and/or facilitate the work and care of assistance teams and clinical staff, which directly affects the your electrical installations. The present study aims to list the appropriate protection measures to circumvent possible failures of the electrical system, being the same short or long term, in an EAS, from the entry of the energy supply by the concessionaire to the direct use of electromedical equipment by the nursing teams and clinical staff in inpatient, surgical and post-surgical areas, aiming at the safety and reliability of the services provided. Throughout the study, the main components of an electrical installation present in the EAS will be analyzed, with a description of its operation in the light of current regulations, in particular NBR 5410:2004 and NBR 13534:2008, as well as RDC 50:2002 , and their importance as key elements for the proper functioning of the institution and the tranquility of the nursing teams and clinical staff to be able to perform their function. At the end, we will carry out a case study in an EAS consisting of inpatient beds, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), operating rooms, outpatient environments and other medical places, applying a proposed methodology that allows performing a compliance analysis identifying the areas where the main faults in electrical systems and the actions that can be taken to overcome them.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectInstalações elétricaspt_BR
dc.subjectElectrical installationsen
dc.titleMedidas para contornar falhas em sistemas elétricos de um EASpt_BR

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