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dc.contributor.advisorBruxel, Danielle de Souza Clerman
dc.contributor.authorRosa, Germano Cardoso
dc.description.abstractRoad drainage is consider as a public service responsible to provide safety for drivers, quality and durability for roads and highways, and, for general population, sanitary confort, flooding security and avoid talus rupture. This paper seeks to compare, in a quantity and quality manner, the execution of a storm drainage system using a metalic storm drain or a precast concrete box culvert, including generated costs, recurrence time, hidraulic performace and interferences to local traffic. For this porpouse, it was followed the execution of a thalweg transposition at km 326+540 of BR-386 highway, Marques de Souza/RS. This construction is managed by the highway concessionaire, comprehend the road duplication of 20 kilometers on Governador Leonel de Brisola (BR-386), between Marques de Souza (km 325) and Lajeado (km 345), that belongs to Vale do Taquari, at Rio Grande do Sul state. Based on collect data from storm drainage Project, descriptive memorial and field visit, it was able to calculate hidraulic sizing, verifying that both construction ways are technical able to provide the drainage network demand, and compare both metods, proving that precast concrete box culvert evolve lower execution costs regarding metalic storm drain. But, only this analisys are not enough to conclude wich is the best construciton metod, in view of it’s extremely important considering local traffic, population and local business impacts and interferences. Therefore, from an executive technical point of view, for treating about a busy and importante way, the metalic storm drain executed by the non-destructive metod fit better to the local studied case.pt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleAnálise comparativa de instalação de bueiro tubular metálico e bueiro celular de concreto armado - estudo de caso da obra de duplicação da BR-386 no KM 326+540 mpt_BR

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