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dc.contributor.advisorBilhão, Isabel Aparecida
dc.contributor.authorLodi, Leonardo Camargo
dc.description.abstractThe research presents an analysis of the construction of knowledge about the theme of feminism in the field of education. The general objective of the research was to analyze the construction of knowledge based on the productions of GTs 03, 06, 21 and 23 of the national ANPED, presenting a mapping of feminist currents, concepts and methodologies about the theme of feminism in the field of education, in the period from 2011 to 2021. The study is characterized as descriptive-exploratory, with a qualitative approach of a bibliographical nature, of the state of knowledge type. The state of knowledge and the N-Vivo software were used to carry out the analyses. The results point to possibilities of breaking the social conditions that were built around gender relations; the analyzed studies evidence the plurality of Latin American experiences regarding the production of scientific knowledge by and about women; the importance of women's actions in educational practices in different academic areas that promote their insertion and permanence is observed. It was found that the construction of knowledge in the field of education, in the works presented at ANPED, indicates the need to think about basic strategies, which seek citizen training, that must perceive, know and transform the inheritance of gender relations, promoting the process of participation, insertion, presence and permanence of girls and women in sectors occupied mainly by men, become a permanent movement. Thus, while we are not all feminists, men and women, and together we develop a practice of understanding and mutual respect, it will be very difficult, in Brazil and in the world, to reach the point of effectively being human and egalitarian.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectProdução de conhecimentopt_BR
dc.subjectKnowledge productionen
dc.titleFeminismo e produção de conhecimentos em educação: uma análise da produção acadêmica nos Grupos de Trabalho da ANPEd (2011-2021)pt_BR

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