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dc.contributor.advisorSilva, Roberto Rafael Dias da
dc.contributor.authorCardoso, Shirley Sheila
dc.description.abstractThe following research investigated the conceptions of school knowledge shown in the remodeling of the New High School under the Brazilian Law 13.415/2017 which stablished guidelines and pointed new ways for the curriculum, politics, and contextualized for the curriculum in Brazil. It analysed the curricular conceptions in the process of selection, organization and understanding of the school knowledge in the Rio Grande do Sul’s High School curriculum, from the execution of the Referencial Curricular Gaúcho. Investigative studies started with the analysis of RCG’s document and the empirical research with the application of on online questionnaire with 35 High School teachers from the pilot schools from Rio Grande do Sul. The methodology was directed according to the theoretical-analytical lens of Stephen J. Ball, analysing the politics as “Action Theory” or “Discursive Strategy”, relating three main faces of analysis: “the material, the understanding and the discursive”. Theoretical Reference circled the concepts of curricular politics and school knowledge from theoretical and discursive arrangements on curricular theories, criticism, and post-criticism of Young, Pacheco, Gabriel, Lopes and Macedo, and, Silva. In the critical analysis of neoliberalism, the studies of Ball, Dardot and Laval, Laval, Castells, Corsani, Silva and Ferretti, Ramos and Frigotto, were references. While analyzing the critical analysis according to the curriculums and empiric field we support the thesis that in the process of implementing the Referencial Curricular Gaúcho: a) that the conception of school knowledge showed itself technician, instrumental and utilitarian; with abilities and competencies restricted and reduced to the knowledge area; b) that the rationality from the political reform is based on entrepreneurialization of education and neoliberalism as a gadget to management, individual efficiency and performance, stamping marks in the youth’s life plan; c) and that the teacher’s qualification and acting is precarious, disrespected and unqualified. At the end, as a critic alternative to the policies development for the High School curriculum in Rio Grande do Sul, we bet on three constitutional dimensions, which are: a) the school for the common; b) a democratic governance as the nature of the school’s politic; c) the scientific, critic and social knowledge in the setting of the school’s knowledge. We point that desired diversity, essential to the national democratic project written in LDB/1996, show itself in the plurality of the recurrent knowledge in which scientific, cultural, critical, and social knowledge is going to contribute for the resetting of the school knowledges focusing on integral formation of young people in high school.ok
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectConhecimento escolarpt_BR
dc.titleO conhecimento escolar nas políticas curriculares para o ensino médio: o referencial curricular gaúcho em questãopt_BR

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