Estratégia de design para a formação inicial de professores autônomos da geração z na era digital: uma abordagem por meio do design estratégico
Teacher training in Brazil is understood here as a complex social problem that is difficult to solve. Thus, understanding that Strategic Design deals with wicked problems and considering Being a Teacher in the Digital Era as the main issue of this investigation, the research question and the objective turned to the construction of a Design Strategy for a teacher training course focused on the Autonomous Teachers capacities in the Digital Era, amid the VUCA World and, consequently, the BANI World. This is a study delimited by the perspective of young Brazilians born between 1995 and 2010, also called Generation Z. These are young people who are or may become teachers in an Era in which education and society are widely influenced by digital media. In general, this research is characterized as design research, guided by the theoretical and methodological approach of Strategic Design. To support this meta-projection, bibliographic and documental research were applied, resulting in the problematization and theorization of the conceptual and contextual elements of the study, besides the theoretical proposition about the Autonomous Teacher. Semi-structured interviews were also implemented with Generation Z teachers and teachers who were not from Generation Z, but who have more than five years of teaching in non-school contexts. In addition, workshops were developed with diffused and expert designers in order to build the future scenarios and to interpret, as defined here, Conceptual Values for the construction of a Design Strategy for a teacher training course focused on the Autonomous Teacher capacities in Brazil. At the end, seven Conceptual Values were identified, which constitute the minimum capacities for the new initial training of the Autonomous Teacher: Growth Mindset, Human Development (soft skills), Repertoire, Entrepreneurship, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), Practice and Creative Community. From the Values, five possible strategies were presented and discussed. Based on the three Choice Criteria: Generational, Temporal and Applicability, they could be analysed to result in the chosen Strategy: a product-service system (PSS), consisting of workshops for the creation of Creative Communities and Workshops for the co-creation of the syllabus of the current disciplines at the Universities. This PSS proposes to innovate and adapt the undergraduate courses for a teacher training course focused on the Autonomous Teacher capacities. It is hoped that this Design Strategy could contribute to the development of a new undergraduate course, which gives autonomy and freedom to Brazilian teachers in their profession in the Digital Era.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior