Justiça pelo design: práticas projetuais para a inclusão de travestis e mulheres transgênero na produção de novas tecnologias
We live in a technology-driven society, where digital products and services impact the entire social body, although they are not built by the diversity of people that compose it. Based on Design Justice principles, this research aims to propose design practices for the inclusion of travestis and transgender women in the development of new technologies. The concepts of Strategic Design for Social Innovation, Design Justice, and cisgenderism are discussed in this exploratory and qualitative research. The methodology consists of in-depth interviews, a co-creation workshop, a design exercise, and design proposal validation with travestis and transgender women. I start the design exercise from the workshop results, and it enabled me to validate the design proposal with travestis and transgender women. Within the findings I discuss the lack of transgender people in technology - which results in technologies developed by a binary, cisgender, and heteropatriarchal logic; and the proposal of cisgenderism as an instrument of transformation - instead of oppression. The design exercise is supported by the design capabilities of seeing, predicting, and making see, which in the design proposal I rename to situate, tranpass, and maintain. The design proposal is a set of cards that aims to instrument cisgender technology professionals who are already allied to the travesti and transgender cause so that they can provoke reflections on the diversity and inclusion of travestis and transgender women in technology.Fundo Loyola/Unisinos - Fundo Loyola de Apoio Acadêmico