dc.description.abstract | The dissertation seeks to analyze, in educommunicative perspective, how the artistic expressions of the collective Papel Mulher on Instagram operate for the construction of communicative and gender citizenship. The research was conducted from epistemological and methodological premises based on Transmethodology (MALDONADO, 2011; 2013; 2015; 2019; BONIN, 2011; 2016), as a critical, interdisciplinary, multimethodological dialogical experimentation that articulates the epistemological, theoretical, methodological and technical dimensions. The problematizations, in order to interpret the artistic expressions of the collective and their contributions to gender citizenship, were divided into 3 axes: educommunication (FREIRE, 2013; 2016; 2017; KAPLÚN, 1998; RODRÍGUEZ, 2016; HOOKS; 2017; 2020);
communicative citizenship (MATA, 2002; 2006; CORTINA, 2005; MARTÍN- BARBERO, 2014; MATTELART, VITALIS, 2015; VAN DIJCK, 2020) and Gender
(LUGONES, 2014; LOURO, 1997; BUTLER, 2003). From the perspective of Digital Ethnography (HINE, 2004; PINK, 2016) observations, analysis of posts and interactions on the Instagram platform, as well as the application of questionnaires and interviews with the founder, member and followers of the collective Papel Mulher were carried out, all mediated by digital platforms. The results of the research pointed to the development of an educommunicative praxis carried out by the collective Papel Mulher, which takes into account the political, ethical and aesthetic dimensions, and that in articulation with Instagram, other digital platforms and the urban environment, contributes to the construction of reflections, dialogues and productions related to communicative and gender citizenship from the artistic expression of women. | en |