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dc.contributor.advisorSantini, Fernando de Oliveira
dc.contributor.authorSant´Anna, Tarcísio
dc.description.abstractDaily, the technology as an excellent ally for optimizing the success of students in the teaching-learning process. Thus, in order to diagnose the tendency to adopt technology in the higher education sector, a major problem in the administration area, the author of this thesis decided to elaborate a meta-analysis, a rigorous statistical method of synthesis, which offers the opportunity to visualize the context of the research. Combining the quantitative results of several empirical studies. In academic terms, this research will mainly contribute to provide a theoretical review of the real effect of propensity to technology adoption in the student's context, through relational constructs associated with the referred behavior and the analysis of antecedents, consequents and moderators. Therefore, in the first part of the analyses, 240 studies were included and, after the final application of the accepted criteria for screening primary research in this meta-analysis, 55 (fifty-five) studies with participation of over 25,062 respondents, published until September of 2020, were used. It is worth noticing that no meta-analytic study was found, without a time interval, from the student's perspective. The results reveal that most research environments on TAM in the educational context come from Asia, America and Europe. From the statistical analysis, ten antecedent and four consequent constructs were identified. To make the meta-analysis even more robust, possible effects were tested to verify the possible influences of the cultural aspect of Power Distance, Individualism, Masculinity, Uncertainty Aversion, Long-Term Orientation, in addition to economic (HDI) in the previously mentioned relationships. The results will allow managers to make more accurate decisions to minimize potential barriers to the adoption of new technologies, especially in the educational context. Future research could explore environmental attributes to drive technology adoption growth from a student perspective, analyze gender in technology adoption, and metaverse adoption and acceptance in education.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectModelo de Aceitação de Tecnologiapt_BR
dc.subjectTechnology Acceptance Modelen
dc.titleEstudo meta-analítico sobre propensão à adoção de tecnologia no setor do ensino superiorpt_BR

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