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dc.contributor.advisorSilveira, Denis Coitinho
dc.contributor.authorHorn, Júlia Sant’ Anna
dc.description.abstractThe debate on the problem of slavery has been present in our society since the ancient philosophers, being interpreted from the most different perspectives, therefore aiming at the study and analysis of the concept of servitude from a medieval perspective, this work proposes to discuss the theme from the concept of property, used by the Franciscan scholastic philosopher João Duns Scotus (+/-1265– 1308). To this end, this work will not be used under the pretext of justification or acceptance of such acts, however, the study aims to analyze how the philosopher understands the concept of servitude and how it is a problem of moral philosophy; this study will use the work Ordinatio IV, more precisely in the distinction 15 questions 2 and 3 of the Doctor Subtilis, to which the author develops a theory of property and justice. Therefore, the method to be used in the study will be based on primary sources of reading, in addition to the use of secondary sources, as commentators in order to deepen the understanding of the discussion addressed by Scotus, since his writings are difficult to access and that the most of his texts have not been translated and are available only through his manuscripts, and writings of other thinkers (such as Saint Thomas Aquinas and Aristotle), with the purpose of deepening the understanding of Scotus' work, since it uses of these philosophers as a source of inspiration in their studies. In addition, the work aims to better discuss the topic the use of a practical philosophical case of sacred marriage, since servitude for the author has an understanding within the field of property. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to conceptualize the understanding given by the philosopher João Duns Scotus about property in servitude, whether this is a predicate of his identity (servant) or of his work; and as specific objectives, for a better understanding of such thought, (i) to analyze the three modes of servitude (voluntary, by punishment and by vocation) developed by Scotus; (ii) to investigate the theory of justice developed by Scotus; and (iii) to use the relationship of sacred marriage as a case problem for understanding the limitation (if any) of servile property.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectJoão Duns Scotuspt_BR
dc.titleSobre a propriedade e servidão em Duns Scotus: questões acerca de uma teoria moral e de justiçapt_BR

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