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dc.contributor.advisorKlaus, Viviane
dc.contributor.authorMotta, Gabriela Gomes
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to understand the extent to which life project is constituted as the materiality of the shifts operated in the conception of the methodology of Escola Nova's projects, which advocate learning to learn. To this end, we sought to know the educational assumptions put into circulation by the conception of a life project based on the methodology used by School of Choice, which consists of an “innovative [so-called] educational model” idealized by the Institute of Co-Responsibility for Education (ICE), whose focus of educational action lies on the youth and the construction of their Life Project. According to ICE ([2021?]), “Life Project is the central solution [...] to assign meaning to the school project in students’ life and lead them to project a vision of themselves in the future, supported by all the ones who combine efforts, talents and skills”. The objectives of the study were: to discuss educational concepts about teaching and learning projects (project methodology, work projects, methods for teaching skills, project-based learning and learning projects); to analyze the discourses on life projects, observing the extent to which they are inscribed in neoliberal rationality; and to relate a life project and the process of reframing educational conceptions. The theoretical methodological procedure adopted consisted of document analysis and a study of genealogical inspiration, through which research already carried out by other authors on projects in the area of education and on life projects were framed in the theoretical framework, in the sense attributed by Paul Veyne. The continuity of these procedures took place at the crossing of the theoretical framework on a life project with the analysis of the discourses expressed by twelve School of Choice Notebooks for Early Years of Elementary Education (Complete Collection of the 2nd Edition – 2019). From this, the study shows that the educational assumptions mobilized by the School of Choice circulate through discussions about the Post-Industrial Society and Knowledge as Human Capital; Development of Competences and Skills; Learning Opportunities and Lifelong Learning; the Self-Designing Subject; the Training of the Young Protagonist; and Emphasis on Socio-Emotional Education. As main results, we highlight the capillarization of neoliberalism in society, giving a new meaning to central concepts and authors in Education; the notion of the Life Project as a way of mobilizing business principles and entrepreneurism in the educational area, which seeks support in the prerogative of “subjects' ability to dream”; and the constant presentation of the future, which reinscribes the importance of Education, encourages the appreciation of selfresponsibility for one's own destiny and continually repositions Life Projects.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleProjetos na sociedade da aprendizagem na interface com o projeto de vida: o modelo da Escola da Escolha e suas implicações para a área educacionalpt_BR

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