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dc.contributor.advisorGrazziotin, Luciane Sgarbi Santos
dc.contributor.authorAguiar, Christiano Roberto Lima de
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to analyze the formative process and daily practices of normalists, as well as the school culture produced at Escola Normal Regional Santa Teresinha located in the municipality of Imperatriz/MA, in the period between 1960 and 1964. This investigation falls on its installation period due to a need for professional training for the municipality, until the end of the Regional Normal classes. I defend the thesis that the daily practices and school culture produced at the Escola Normal Regional Santa Teresinha influenced, to some extent, the educational development of the region and the ways in which teachers who work in Basic Education in Imperatriz teach. To achieve the proposed objectives, the methodology is centered on Oral History, whose documents were produced from the narratives of memories of seven normal students who graduated from Escola Normal Regional Santa Teresinha. Also, institutional sources were used, articulated to the narratives. Through the mobilized memories, it was possible to understand the representations of a time and space related to a Catholic confessional institution, specifically aimed at the training of female teachers. The daily practices remembered revealed attributions that involved body, mind, art and faith. The objective of the curriculum was to train the teacher-wife-mother in such a way that, in addition to pedagogical training, subjects related to home care were also covered. In addition to learning, the bonds of friendship formed at school are evident and which, in certain cases, keep them close. Thus, the Escola Normal Regional Santa Teresinha became a space for personal and professional achievement, expanding the cultural universe of young people who performed, after training as normalists, actions that went beyond home care and contributed to the education of the municipality of Imperatriz/MA and its surroundings.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectHistória da Educaçãopt_BR
dc.subjectHistory of Educationen
dc.titleMemórias do processo formativo de alunas na Escola Normal Regional Santa Teresinha em Imperatriz/MA: culturas e práticas escolares (1960-1964)pt_BR

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