Relações entre gênero e docência na educação profissional e tecnológica: análise da produção acadêmica entre 2010 e 2020
This research has two main objectives: one is to describe and analyze the meanings attributed to teaching in the Brazilian educational academic production from 2010 to 2020 about Federal Institutes; and, the other is to examine how gender organizes teaching in Professional and Technological Education (PTE) and in Basic, Technical and Technological Education (BTTE) described and problematized by the selected Brazilian educational academic production. The study pursues theoretical-methodological support in the fields of Teaching Studies and Gender Studies, in articulation with the post-structuralist perspective. For the analysis, a meta-research was developed, the research on the research, operating with the concepts of teaching and gender to examine a set of academic productions carried out in/on the context of Federal Institutes. The main authors supporting the analyzes are: Biesta (2017); Dal’Igna (2017; 2023); Fabris; Dal’Igna (2017); Foucault (2004; 2006; 2007); Louro (2007; 2010), Mainardes (2018; 2021); Masschelein; Simons (2018); Meyer (2010); Meyer; Paraíso (2014); Pereira; (2016); Scott (1995); Tardif (2017). At long last, it was possible to map and analyze three categories: teaching as a weakening of Pedagogy as a science of educational practice; teaching as a strengthening of Pedagogy as a producer of legitimate knowledge; and gender as an organizer of PTE/BTTE teaching. Thus, the supported thesis is that the dispute between pedagogical knowledge and technical knowledge organize PTE/BTTE teaching in Federal Institutes, translated in many studies as the feminization of teaching.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior