This dissertation deals with the central theme on the issue of people with
disabilities and their possibilities of social inclusion. In this context, we will begin to
understand the vision of societies about the person with disabilities over the centuries,
starting from a mystical vision of a cursed human being, in the ancient age, after a
person worthy of clemency, in the middle ages. Then, placing them among the
excluded people in each phase of humanity, until we reach a humanistic vision, always
within ethical-moral reflections of how society has seen and treated these people. We
address philosophical reflections, ethical and bioethical reflections on the human being
as a vulnerable being, seeking aspects of care and otherness, so that within diversity,
these beings who are in fact excluded by their difference, can gradually seek their place
in a society full of prejudices. At the end, the discussion starts in search of greater
social and political participation, demanding affirmative action on the part of the State
and ethical conduct on the part of all people, facing the other (disabled) as their peer,
and in equal conditions and opportunities.