The present project deals with the planning and prototyping of a product
that seeks to solve problems about consumption values linked to the creative
economy of clothing and the (re)emergence of the “human raw material”
- creatives inserted in the handmade of clothing, identified in observations
of the craft day by day and in surveys carried out among professionals
and entrepreneurs in the State of Pernambuco. Over the last few decades,
new business structures have emerged and the return of excluded
and/or marginalized crafts, increasingly since the Industrial Revolution in
England, in the last decades of the 18th century, has brought to light business
opportunities with lucrative purposes that are becoming making livelihoods,
usually coming from craftsmen from different segments of the area
studied, giving rise to entrepreneurship and artisanal return. However, it
takes advantage of these perceptions of the exponential growth of knowhow
to creation, with the aim of solving problems in the area of communication.
Handmade, as the translation of the term itself, means the creation
and development of products made in an artisanal and/or artistic way,
without industrial processes in their entirety, automated and created in series.
Bibliography was used in the area of clothing, management, technology
and history, to briefly understand and open a field of study and investigation,
as well as proposing solutions for communication strategies,
thus allowing to identify their stories, people involved in their productions,
their values , its purposes and processes, thus achieving a visible and differentiated
inauthenticity of the creative economy. Therefore, research was
necessary, both bibliographical and marketing: field research in an existing
group, for a better understanding and analysis of data, guidance and planning
in the face of tools created by Löbach (2001). Among other options
arising from brainstorming, the conclusion was reached, although in the
case of creation, fashion and design, the final product was determined on
prerogatives linked to management, marketing and communication, that the
product would have greater efficiency by taking advantage of the sales technology
and connections: an application with the aim of connecting the
three audiences involved, entrepreneurs/brands, craftsmen and the consumer
public with a performance to promote the appreciation of handmade
products, interaction between craftsmen and brands with interests in
networking and sales. The project is interested in market evolution, along
with the development of the application.