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dc.creatorCosta, Karina Hoover Rodrigues
dc.identifier.citationCOSTA, Karina Hoover Rodrigues. O mapa das minas : site de registro, integração e conexão das profissionais femininas dos setores da música em Pernambuco. 2023. 81 f Mestrado (Dissertação) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Programa de Pós-graduação em Indústrias Criativas. Mestrado Profissional em Indústrias Criativas, Recife 2023.por
dc.description.abstractThis project aims to develop a website for female music producers in the State of Pernambuco to promote the integration of these women with the market and each other. They may register themselves as users and offer their services through it. The website works as a search engine, allowing searches by the professional's name, occupation, or place of residence. When someone chooses a specific producer, her profile is displayed, including a brief resumé, skills, experiences, direct contact, and personal links from social networks. The main goal is to create a space where they can showcase their work, favoring connections between market demand and female labor supply. Along with the associated social networks, Mapa das Minas also works as a space for mediated communication, disseminating and republishing news, job opportunities, information about the sector, and training courses opportunities. Our hypothesis is that the performance of these professionals, social agents in the artistic field, is marked by the reproduction of inequality and the invisibility of gender, evidenced by the lack of opportunities, appreciation, and disparity in working conditions. Thus, creating such a digital environment aims to reduce these asymmetries. We adopted three methodological procedures: documentary research, qualitative interview, and participant observation. The documentary research included theoretical sources for constructing female gender stereotypes and the music production industry, considering existing research and data collected on the sector. Conducting interviews with professionals from Pernambuco contributed to understanding these women working environment, considering the motivations, difficulties, and expectations regarding their work in the music industry. Finally, the researcher's participant observation contributed to the corpus of the qualitative research, determining the selection of the interviewees and the analysis within the project's goals.eng
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambucopor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectSites da Web - Projetospor
dc.subjectMúsica - Pernambucopor
dc.subjectMulheres - Empregopor
dc.subjectIndústrias culturaispor
dc.subjectWebsites - Projectseng
dc.subjectMusic - Pernambucoeng
dc.subjectWomen - Employmenteng
dc.subjectCultural industrieseng
dc.titleO mapa das minas: site de registro, integração e conexão das profissionais femininas dos setores da música em Pernambuco.por

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