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dc.creatorSousa, Antônio Denilson de
dc.identifier.citationSOUSA, Antônio Denilson de. Matrimônio e família do horizonte antropológico à objetivação pastoral : uma análise a partir do Magistério de João Paulo II e Papa Francisco. 2023. 128 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Programa de Pós-graduação em Teologia. Mestrado em Teologia, 2023.por
dc.description.abstractThe family is the result of human love between people who together decide to build a home. From this loving relationship, life is generated and its members go through a process of relationship, communion and donation. Within the family, there should be no room for isolation, but for the loving relationship between the members who make it up and practice self-giving love. We intend to show that the understanding and belief in family values are fundamental for living well and for overcoming the challenges that life as a couple is responsible for revealing. We will not maintain a pessimistic discourse about the family institution, but we dare to show the fundamental beauty of this union between people who love each other and who throw themselves into life to live love. Pope Francis in ExhortationAmoris Laetitia (AL-2016) and Saint John Paul II inFamily Association (FC-1981) present norms, rules and pastoral guidelines that will serve to corroborate the teaching of the Church about men and women who recognize themselves as beings who have reason and the capacity to love. When man and woman unite in marriage, they find themselves capable of constituting a family. For this reason, the objective of this work is to analyze and reflect, based on the teaching of John Paul II and Francis, on conjugal love and the family. We will reflect on the initial presentation of the Pastoral Familiar presented in the(FC) and complemented by(AL) with the aim of presenting continuity and novelties in the evolution of thought among the popes regarding some pastoral issues. This research is of a bibliographic and literature review nature, and as such, assumes a descriptive and explanatory character based on the Magisterium of the Church, the Catechism, Canon Law, magazines and other sources relevant to the subject studied. Our theoretical reference will be the two apostolic exhortations cited above.These two works (FC and AL) will serve as a fundamental basis for us to delve into the depth of the Family Pastoral conceived and carried out within the Church. Based on the pastoral interpellations of the mentioned popes, we want to arrive at a pastoral novelty regarding the formation of new couples with the firm intention of being better formed with regard to the value, meaning and sacredness of the sacrament of marriage.This reflection is important both because it offers an organic vision of marriage, and because of what it illuminates the praxis and pastoral experience of marriage as a sacrament through which the baptized man and woman give and receive each other mutually, for the good of the couple and education of the children, thus constituting a family in the Church and in society. This reality, more than a social fact, is rather a manifestation of the spousal union existing between Christ and the Church and no less than a representative of God's love for humanity. Therefore, those who wish to unite in marriage need to go through the care of the Church which, through the Family Pastoral, will train and accompany them before and after marriage.eng
dc.description.sponsorshipCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESpor
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambucopor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectPsicologia pastoralpor
dc.subjectObras da Igreja junto às famíliaspor
dc.subjectPastoral psychologyeng
dc.subjectChurch works with familieseng
dc.titleMatrimônio e família do horizonte antropológico à Objetivação pastoral: uma análise a partir do Magistério de João Paulo II e Papa Francisco.por

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