Pedro Meyer. In search of things to come
Pedro Meyer. En busca de lo que vendrá
On the first days of December in 2015 Pedro Meyer, the renowned 80-year old Mexican photographer, visited Montevideo on the occasion of the opening of his retrospective exhibition, A history of migrations, which was carried out by the Photography Center (Centro de Fotografía; Spanish initials: CDF). The exhibition is by way of being a tribute to his extensive artistic career and his vital drive for research and innovation. Those two aspects have always defined his creative path. CDF, in its turn proposed a think tank led by Meyer on The buildup of narration in photography, as a part of the program on Paths of training. The quota was filled: twenty people participated. I was one of those twenty people.A principios de diciembre de 2015, el renombrado fotógrafo mexicano Pedro Meyer, a sus 80 años, visitó Montevideo para inaugurar la muestra retrospectiva de su obra, Una historia de migraciones, llevada a cabo por el Centro de Fotografía (CDF). Se trata de un homenaje a su vasta trayectoria e impulso vital de búsqueda e innovación, aspectos que definen su camino creativo desde siempre. A su vez, el CDF, en el marco del programa Los caminos de la formación, también propuso un laboratorio de reflexión a cargo de Meyer, Construcción narrativa en la fotografía, en el que veinte personas llenaron los cupos. Fui una de las veinte.