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dc.contributor.advisorEgusquiza Loayza, Rafaeles_ES
dc.contributor.authorKitsutani Barrenechea, Ena Ysabeles_ES
dc.identifier.citationKitsutani, E. (2017). Relación entre las expectativas de mejores empleos futuros y la decisión de ingresar a los Centros de Educación Básica Alternativa : estudio de jóvenes del Ceba Alfredo Rebaza Acosta [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya]. Repositorio Institucional UARM.
dc.description.abstractEsta tesis pretende mostrar la relación entre las expectativas de mejoras de empleo y la reinserción a la educación básica de un joven o adulto. Esta relación en nuestro país es directa ya que, por lo general, los trabajadores informales no cuentan con educación básica concluida. La educación básica de jóvenes y adultos debe ser atendido por nuestro sistema educativo con urgencia, si deseamos tener una población preparada para hacerle frente a las demandas del siglo XXI. Las estadísticas demuestran que la educación básica no es atractiva para muchos peruanos, sobre todo en la secundaria, y que, al insertarse por primera vez en el trabajo, una gran parte ya no regresa a la escuela. Un joven que trabaja asume diversas responsabilidades que no le permiten continuar su vida escolar, condicionándolo a futuro a una situación laboral precaria, casi irreversible. La Educación Básica Alternativa (EBA) juega un papel fundamental en la inserción de tantos peruanos que se encuentran fuera del sistema escolar y que, por lo tanto, quedan relegados también de una oportunidad en la educación superior. Los mecanismos y la mirada que esta modalidad ofrezca a sus estudiantes son fundamentales para cambiar este escenario.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is intended to show the relationship between the expectations of employment improvements and the reintegration into basic education of a young person or adult. This relationship in our country is direct and it is proven that, in general, informal workers have not completed basic education. Basic education of young people and adults must be addressed urgently in our education system, if we want to have a population trained for work and to meet the 21st century demands. Statistics show that basic education is not attractive to many Peruvians, especially in high school, and that, when they first enter work, most of them do not return to school. A young working person takes on various responsibilities that do not allow him to continue his school life; this conditions him to maintain a precarious labor situation, and influences the quality of life of their families, almost irreversible situation. Alternative Basic Education (ABE) plays a fundamental role in the insertion of so many Peruvians who are outside the school system and who, therefore, are also relegated from an opportunity in higher education. The mechanisms and the view this modality offers its students are fundamental to change this scenario.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is intended to show the relationship between the expectations of employment improvements and the reintegration into basic education of a young person or adult. This relationship in our country is direct and it is proven that, in general, informal workers have not completed basic education. Basic education of young people and adults must be addressed urgently in our education system, if we want to have a population trained for work and to meet the 21st century demands. Statistics show that basic education is not attractive to many Peruvians, especially in high school, and that, when they first enter work, most of them do not return to school. A young working person takes on various responsibilities that do not allow him to continue his school life; this conditions him to maintain a precarious labor situation, and influences the quality of life of their families, almost irreversible situation. Alternative Basic Education (ABE) plays a fundamental role in the insertion of so many Peruvians who are outside the school system and who, therefore, are also relegated from an opportunity in higher education. The mechanisms and the view this modality offers its students are fundamental to change this scenario.en
dc.publisherUniversidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoyaes_ES
dc.subjectEducación básica alternativaes_ES
dc.subjectEducación de adultoses_ES
dc.subjectEducación de jóveneses_ES
dc.subjectEducación y empleoes_ES
dc.titleRelación entre las expectativas de mejores empleos futuros y la decision de ingresar a los Centros de Educación Básica Alternativa : estudio de jóvenes del Ceba Alfredo Rebaza Acostaes_ES

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