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dc.contributor.advisorMaldaner, Luís Felipe
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Leonardo Blum da
dc.description.abstractThis research sought to understand the phenomenon of customer evasion and the reduction of market share in credit for Family Farming of a Brazilian financial institution that has a large portion of credit for agribusiness in the country. The study was carried out in municipalities in the North of the State of Rio Grande do Sul with a great agricultural vocation. In the studied region there is a strong predominance of small properties, maintained through family work, but highly productive and profitable, accounting for a large portion of the region's GDP. These producers are highly sought after by financial institutions and companies that sell products for agribusiness. It is in this context of great competition that this research was carried out with the main objective of analyzing the reasons that lead customers in the family farming segment to evade the financial institution. As specific objectives, identify the competitive advantages of competitors; identify the factors that generate customer satisfaction in this segment; check Banco X's actions to retain the segment's customers; propose actions that can help reduce customer evasion. As a theoretical basis, the concepts of Relationship Marketing and Customer Retention and Evasion were used, which supported the content analysis and helped to achieve the objectives. The research used the case study as a method, with a qualitative exploratory approach, operationalized through the technique of in-depth individual interviews, with a semi-structured approach, by applying Basic Question Guidelines to 13 respondents (six agribusiness authorities linked to family farming, seven clients who no longer use agricultural credit at the institution). For data analysis, the material was coded and the results were processed, as well as their interpretation. As a result, a set of factors that led to customer evasion was found. Among them, the excessive search for profitability with a low focus on the customer; Disadvantage compared to competitors in the cost x quality of service offered; Strategy at a national level that creates a disadvantage in relation to competitors operating in the region. The result of this dissertation can be used to implement actions to reduce the occurrence of dropouts and improve the value proposition for customers in the studied segment.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectEvasão de clientespt_BR
dc.subjectCustomer evasionen
dc.titleEstudo sobre a evasão de clientes do segmento da agricultura familiar: o caso de uma instituição financeira brasileirapt_BR

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