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dc.contributor.advisorKronmeyer, Oscar
dc.contributor.authorAlmeida, Alexandre Jaureguy de
dc.description.abstractThe advent of technology, the globalization of resources and the interdependence between companies have changed the relationship between lawyers. This transformation ocurred for three reasons, the first, that technology allowed the geographical barriers to be overcome, the second, the breaking of barriers allowed the lawsuits to be concentrated in markets with more capacity for service coverage, finally, the third, is that the choice of law firms has come to be based on efficiency and on what these offices can add to their clients' value chain. Emerged from the 1960s by the massification of certain markets, and the consequent repetition of litigation on the same subject, coupled with the high degree of judicialization of private relations, mass advocacy gained relevance as the markets expanded. However, mass offices face challenges due to the fact that they have legal - OAB Statute - and cultural resistance so that they can structure themselves in a competitive way. The mass judicialization requires that mass law firms hire corresponding lawyers to carry out ordinary judicial acts. This process is still manual, time-consuming, and at great risk. Therefore, the objective of this work is to understand the business model of law firms, identifying the points of improvement in the provision of services, so that, in the end, a software tool is proposed that transforms the fundamental elements of the business, becoming the operationally sustainable. The work will be divided into three chapters, the first seeking to contextualize the origin of law and the way in which mass law firms are structured in Brazil, the second will present the dominant business model in mass law firms, the concept of business model and the relationship with mass law firms, pointing out the weaknesses in the value chain, and in the third chapter, it will be demonstrated through the Design Sciencie Research method, how the artifact and the prototype were developed to improve delivery services provided by lawyers. In the end, it is concluded from the present work that the mass law firms suffer from the lack of relationship with other sciences of business administration, which allows pointing out weaknesses in the dominant business model. In view of this, the software tool will seek to solve a problem in the value chain of law firms, allowing them to reduce costs and ensure greater legal certainty when hiring corresponding lawyers.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectContencioso de massapt_BR
dc.subjectDesign science researchen
dc.titleImplementação de software como ferramenta da cadeia de valor a partir do estudo do modelo de negócios dominante nos escritórios de advocacia de massapt_BR

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