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dc.contributor.advisorSilva, Roberto Rafael Dias da
dc.contributor.authorVasques, Rosane Fátima
dc.description.abstractThis thesis aimed to investigate the mobilization of equity in Brazilian curricular policies in the period after the publication of the National Law on Education (Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional—LDB) in 1996. The theoretical analysis was based on the field of Curricular Studies, in articulation with Sociology of Education. In this regard, when approaching the curriculum, we considered the “model of contextual rationalities” proposed by José Augusto Pacheco. Also, we looked at the present time through the lens of a metamorphosis of the world, towards a risk society, as pointed out by Ulrich Beck, and the strengthening of a flexible, liquid, and individualized society, as referred by Zygmunt Bauman. In this scenario, we see a shift in education and school knowledge towards a mercantilist, utilitarian and neoliberal logic, as reiterated by Stephen Ball, Pierre Dardot, Christian Laval, Richard Sennett and Licínio Lima. In addition, we sought to understand equity in its relationship with education; for that, we carried out a literature review and an analysis of documents proposed by international organizations, and we promoted a philosophical and political debate, with John Rawls and Amartya Sen, and a discussion more focused on the educational field, with François Dubet and Marcel Crahay. Finally, we approached the origin of the concept in the theory of Law, in order to understand its relationship with equality and proportionality. That said, the empirical material was composed of 18 curricular documents published by the Brazilian State in the mentioned period. We opted for documentary research together with content analysis to examine the material. With the investigation, it was possible to infer that equity has metamorphosed in Brazilian curricular policies after the LDB, being mobilized in three ways: promotion of opportunities, attention to diversity, and pedagogical differentiation. In the first sense, linked to school democratization, curricular policies are designed within a democratic society, which aims, through education, to promote opportunities for participation and full exercise of citizenship. In the second, there are three movements of diversity in curricular policies: originated from a racial demand, paying attention to other social groups, and curriculum adaptation and flexibility to meet student specificities. Finally, the third sense operates in curricular policies by two strategies—teacher’s work and curricular flexibility—, reinforcing the institution of education itineraries and the individualization of learning. In this perspective, we believe in curricular justice and in an inclusive curriculum to contemplate a new metamorphosis of the concept. In this metamorphosis, differences, diversity, equality and proportionality integrate school knowledge and the common culture of a participative and democratic society.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleA metamorfose da equidade nas políticas curriculares brasileiras: da promoção de oportunidades à diferenciação pedagógicapt_BR

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